Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Devil Wears High-Waters

I don't think anyone hates their boss as much as me.  He is the world's worst man and boss.  He is mean and condescending, he dislikes women, thinks he knows everything about everything and everyone, micro-managing, the biggest slob ever, and expects the sun to rise and set just for him... seriously.  Just once (well, maybe it happened just once), would I love to complete something for him and get thanked.  Or complimented.  Genuinely.  Even not genuinely.  I mean, I fucking pay all his bills.  I do WHATEVER he needs done, and I mean WHATEVER ("I don't like this phone anymore, please go exchange it" "Can we have afternoon coffee everyday?" "you need to drive me home today" "my girlfriend is coming into town and my kitchen needs cleaning" "my car is making noise, please have it fixed" etc.  You get the point.  There is nothing off limits with this man, and he expects me to drop MY life for whatever he needs done.  Whenever that is.  Then verbally abuses me if things don't go exactly to what HE expected "I'm sorry if this job interferes with your personal life" "if you want to be part of our future, you'd better be part of the present"  I can go on and on about the mean-spirited things he has done....  Oh, like the time I made cupcakes and brought them in for everyone.  I was so excited... I'm a great baker, and I was showing off my skills, since I knew everyone in the office loves sweets.. well, except for Voldemort, because at the time he was watching his calories.  A few hours after I brought them in, there was a paper hanging over the cupcakes with two pictures on it.. One of Russel Crowe as Gladiator, and one of Russel Crowe with a few extra pounds, with the words on it "He Ate Cupcakes".   Stop laughing...

To Be Continued......

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


So... anyone else have an ex from hell?  I'm sure there must be many women out there feeling the same way.  It's been over 12 years since the bastard cheated and decided that married life wasn't for him, and he is still wreaking havoc on me and my two teenage daughters.  Child support comes and goes.  His phone calls to the girls come and go, depending on how he is feeling that month.  I've taken him to court more times than I can remember, even had him arrested (not showing up in court) and put in jail (not paying child support while he was on unemployment... that story is another doosey). He owes his children over $93k, not including the healthcare premiums that he hasn't paid in over 2 years, or any extracurricular or college monies.  He is supposed to have a life insurance policy to protect his children in case something happens to him... does he?  Of course not.  He is balking at the moment because his job doesn't pay the same as the job he had when his child support went into effect, so he wants to decrease his weekly amount... seriously dude?  He seriously asked me to go to court and stop future child support payments, since he already owes so much that he will never be able to pay back.  He must think I have a screw loose.  I haven't fought this hard over the past 12 years for my daughters just to have all of this stop.  They deserve that money.  Someday they will get that money.  It will make their lives easier, since he has made their lives so hard over these past years.

Did I mention that he moved to another state, far away, even got remarried? I will never understand a parent that doesn't want to be with their children 24/7 (minus a few hours/days/week of a sanity vacation).  Yeah, yeah, he wines that after I put him in jail, he had to leave the state or I was going to throw him back in jail for arrears.  Well... hello???   Then maybe you should get a freaking job and pay your child support.  Instead, he has leached onto his next victim, unemployed for over 7 months, living off her and her family.  Yes, women... this is the man I married 20 years ago... I still can't believe I was so blind, so stupid, and so naive.  Yes, I have my two beautiful, talented daughters.  But boy, I sure picked a loser to be their father.
